
First aid training


Training Priority

At SIM Gdynia, safety in the workplace is our top priority. We don’t limit ourselves to accident prevention, but also place great emphasis on emergency response skills. For this reason, on June 15, 2023, we organized an in-depth first aid training for our employees.

Deepening Knowledge and Practical Exercises

This training gave our team the opportunity not only to deepen their theoretical knowledge, but also to participate in practical exercises. Among them were cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) techniques and the use of an AED defibrillator, a key device in heart attack situations. We emphasize that the defibrillator is permanently available on our premises.

Improving First Aid Skills

This training is part of our broader initiative to raise employee awareness and skills in first aid. We believe that every employee should have basic skills that can be crucial in medical emergencies. These trainings not only enhance safety, but also build a sense of community and responsibility within our team.

Our Commitment

Our first aid training activities demonstrate our commitment to creating a safe and healthy work environment. At SIM Gdynia, we constantly strive to ensure that our employees are prepared to act in all circumstances.